

BUC Departmental Changes for the Next Quinquennium

BUC Departmental Changes for the Next Quinquennium

BUC News

Here is a list of the officers, departmental directors and executive committee members for the next quinquennium

Nominating Committee Report


Pastor Ian Sweeney - President

Pastor John Surridge - Executive Secretary

Mr Wederly Aguiar - Treasurer

Pastor Jacques Venter - Associate Executive Secretary/ Missions Executive Secretary

Pastor Dan Serb -  Irish Mission President

Pastor Michael James Botha - Scottish Mission President

Pastor Graham Allcock - Welsh Mission President

BUC Departmental Directors

Pastor Kevin Johns - Youth, Pathfinders, Adventurers, Chaplaincy 

Education Director - refer to incoming BUC Executive Committee 

Pastor Sam Davies - Communication and Media 

Adventist Discovery Centre - refer to incoming BUC Executive Committee

Pastor Eglan Brooks - Ministerial, Discipleship and Continuing Education 

Dr Leslie Ackie - Family Ministries, Children's and Possibilities 

Sharon Platt-McDonald - Health, Women's Ministries, Community Services

Dr Kirk Thomas - Personal Ministries, Sabbath School, Evangelism and Church Growth 

Positions referred to the Incoming BUC Executive Committee

  • Messenger Editor
  • Stanborough Press General Manager

Other positions will be referred to the Executive Committee - including Men’s Ministries and Prayer Ministries, Singles Ministries etc.

BUC Executive Committee

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