

Scottish Mission Welcomes Two Inspiring Brazilian Missionaries

Scottish MissionSM Communications

The Scottish Mission is delighted to welcome two enthusiastic volunteer missionaries from Brazil, Samuel Matheus and Allan Zukowski, for a year of service and cultural exchange. Their arrival marks a new chapter of dedication and spiritual growth for the Mission.

Samuel Matheus: A Journey of Faith and Service

Samuel Matheus, 25, from São Paulo, arrived on the 8th of May, bringing with him a deep sense of calling and a wealth of experience. His home church in Capão Redondo has approximately 1,000 members, reflecting a vibrant community where Samuel’s spiritual journey began at the age of eight. Feeling a special calling to become a pastor, Samuel pursued studies in theology and journalism at UNASP Adventist University in São Paulo, graduating in 2022.

Before coming to Scotland, Samuel worked as a Bible teacher at an Adventist College in São Paulo. Additionally, he served as an elder in the church on college campus, providing support to the local pastor. Seeking a change and praying for guidance, he discovered the volunteer position on the Vividfaith platform. Samuel’s path to Scotland was marked by divine timing; while preaching in Mexico about the power of prayer, he received the call to join the Scottish Mission.

Eager to serve and learn, Samuel is excited to engage in Bible studies, visitations, and immerse himself in the local culture. His warm reception at the Glasgow church made him feel at home, and he looks forward to preaching there this coming Sabbath. Samuel, who enjoys hiking and running, holds a guiding principle: “I love to pray. When we pray, we open the keys of heaven.”

Allan Zukowski: Music and Mission in Harmony

Allan Zukowski, 28, arrived last Thursday, bringing a rich background in theology and music. Being baptised at the age of nine, Allan’s dedication to his faith has been lifelong. He also graduated in 2020 from UNASP Adventist University in São Paulo, majoring in theology and minoring in music. Allan plays the clarinet, piano, and recorder, and he has been actively involved with Pathfinders & Teens.

Allan's aspiration to become a missionary was ignited during his childhood while watching a cartoon depicting the life of Paul. The exemplary life and character of Paul deeply resonated with him, fuelling his desire to pursue missionary work. Prior to his missionary journey, Allan taught and played music at UNASP, struggling to balance his time between his musical commitments and church activities. Feeling the need for a change, Allan prayed for direction and soon after, friends informed him about the volunteer opportunity in Scotland.

Allan is passionate about developing the musical aspect of the Mission, aiming to organise a teens choir and teach instruments, while remaining open to serving in other capacities. He finds Scotland’s history and architecture fascinating and enjoys the calm demeanour of the people. Allan, who enjoys playing board games and exploring new places, lives by the principle: “Life is short and it lacks purpose if confined to mere work and play. Life needs to have meaning. When we discover Jesus, we discover meaning for our life, shifting our focus towards heavenly pursuits, and helping people find the great love of Jesus.”

A Promising Year Ahead

The arrival of Samuel and Allan marks a significant and uplifting moment for the Scottish Mission. Their dedication, talents, and spiritual insights promise to enrich our community and strengthen the bonds of faith and fellowship. The Mission looks forward to a fruitful year of service, learning, and shared experiences with Samuel and Allan.