

Fair City Singers Treat the Audience at Crieff Church to a Spectacular Musical Experience

Fair City Singers Treat the Audience at Crieff Church to a Spectacular Musical Experience

CrieffSM Communications

On the 9th of June, the Crieff Seventh-day Adventist Church had the pleasure of hosting the Fair City Singers, an independent and highly successful choir comprising 11 to 18-year-olds from across Perthshire, Scotland. Recognised for its strong musical tradition and high-performance standards, the choir is celebrated throughout the central belt of Scotland.

Organised by Ela Wiech, the mother of two choir members who attend the Crieff Seventh-day Adventist Church, this concert was more than just a musical event – it was a significant opportunity for the church community to engage with the wider community. The event received praise from all sides. Marjory Watson, the Musical Director, along with the choir, warmly acknowledged the welcoming atmosphere and the beautiful venue. The audience, too, shared their positive feedback, appreciating both the outstanding musical talent of the Fair City Singers and the church's initiative to strengthen ties with the local community. Pastor Njay Ndlovu remarked, “The evening felt like a journey down memory lane for our entire community, young and old, with familiar songs that sparked enthusiastic audience participation. Meaningful conversations over tea and refreshments further solidified our church community's commitment to connecting with people in our local communities.”

Few things can unite people quite like music. Indeed, this was a memorable evening, leaving everyone filled with a deep sense of joy.

For more information about the choir or to inquire about joining, please visit their website at or their Facebook page at Fair City Singers on Facebook.