

Impact Glasgow Project - Demonstrating Love for God and Neighbour through Community Initiatives

Impact Glasgow Project - Demonstrating Love for God and Neighbour through Community Initiatives

GlasgowAdina Lupu

Impact Glasgow 2024 has been a remarkable blessing for Glasgow Church, with the vision for this initiative gaining momentum in the summer of 2023, driven by the church members' desire to reach out to the community of Glasgow.

Similar to the journey of the Israelites in the desert, the Impact Glasgow planning team encountered challenges and uncertainties but consistently found courage and faith through divine guidance. By trusting in God, they saw everything they needed come their way and their path forward became clear.

Glasgow Church is thrilled to have collaborated with Porto Church from Portugal. Supported by 18 dedicated Portuguese volunteers, the Impact Glasgow team erected a Health Expo tent in the Botanical Gardens from July 1st to 4th. Despite the unpredictable weather, the team effectively engaged with around 200 attendees, offering them the chance to assess their health age compared to their biological age through lifestyle questionnaires and tests. Additionally, visitors enjoyed complimentary neck and shoulder massages, received free books on health and wellbeing, and were provided with fruit and water.

Impact Glasgow team also collaborated with four other charities that provide essential community support services: Beatson Cancer Research, Leaders Unlocked, We Are With You, and Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs. These organisations were invited to set up their stalls in the Health Expo tent and engage with the public alongside the Impact Glasgow team.

Chris, Team Facilitator at Beatson Cancer Charity, commented: “It has been interesting hearing about different cultural experiences and attitudes towards health. Everyone has been kind and welcoming. I think the event itself was a nice and interactive way to educate people in a comforting environment, that we sometimes don't have any real access to, and things we tend not to think about, like blood sugar levels, blood pressure, nutritional information, etc. Health inequalities are kind of engrained in Scotland, particularly in the West of Scotland sadly, and giving people information they might struggle to get elsewhere is very needed.” For more information on what Beatson Cancer Charity does, please visit

Leaders Unlocked is dedicated to empowering young people across multiple sectors, enabling them to influence decision-making and shape policies. Since 2016, they have been at the forefront of fostering youth leadership in health policy and research, amplifying student voices and driving social action in education. Collaborating closely with Police & Crime Commissioners, they facilitate youth engagement in policing decisions and advocate for reform in the criminal justice system. Since 2015, they have also partnered with various industries, creating pathways for young people to gain valuable experience and promoting diversity in workplaces. Their volunteers spoke positively about their participation in the event, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with Impact Glasgow. For more information on the charity, please visit

James, representing We Are With You, reflected on his positive experience, noting, “I had a full health MOT and have been provided with excellent information to support me make changes to my diet which I will try to implement.” He expressed enjoyment in collaborating with the Impact Glasgow team and expressed eagerness to participate in future events. To find out more about We Are With You, please visit

Reflecting on their involvement, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs valued the opportunity to raise awareness about their support services and collaborate with other charities. They underscored the significance of advocating for healthy lifestyles and offering crucial assistance to those affected by substance use. Their initiatives focus on fostering positive communication, setting boundaries, and promoting self-care. For more information, please visit

Dr Augustus Lawrence, Director of the Evangelism Department at the BUC, expressed his delight at being invited to participate in the initiative. He commended the members of Glasgow Church for their dedication and commitment to serving the needs of their local community, which he emphasised as an integral part of the church’s broader mission.

Volunteers from Glasgow, East Kilbride, and Porto churches have consistently expressed a shared sentiment – the experience of reaching out and supporting others has been a profound blessing for them. They have joyfully utilised their skills and talents to extend the love of Christ within the community.

The Impact Glasgow team would also like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to Dr Beatrice Kastrati, Director of Health Ministries at the NEC and a highly experienced medical professional. Dr Kastrati delivered insightful health seminars at Glasgow Church, specifically addressing the important topic of gut health. Her participation in the Health Expo tent was equally valuable as she reviewed visitors' health assessments and provided expert guidance on enhancing lifestyle habits.

Pastor Claudiu Popescu, who spearheaded the planning and execution of this initiative with unwavering enthusiasm and energy, reflected on the initiative: “During the last four days, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the General Conference’s concept of ‘total member involvement’. It’s been a revelation to witness a motivated, Spirit-led church where members ranging from 8 to over 70 years old dedicated their time and commitment to a project aimed at serving the community and advancing God’s Kingdom. A significant achievement during Impact Glasgow was our collaboration with four prominent charities in Glasgow. Looking ahead, our vision is to deepen these partnerships and further impact a community that is in need of Christ. I extend heartfelt thanks to every member of Glasgow Church and my friends from Portugal who invested considerable time, energy, and prayer into this project over the past few months. We are confident that many lives have been touched and will continue to be transformed.”  

Impact Glasgow will conclude tomorrow with a Day of Fellowship and a Gospel concert at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. All are welcome!

For information on the Day of Fellowship, please click here.

For information on the Gospel Concert, please click here.