

Scottish Mission Youth Retreat Inspires Young People to Live Boldly for Christ

Scottish Mission Youth Retreat Inspires Young People to Live Boldly for Christ

Scottish Mission Youth Retreat, Compass Christian Centre, Glenshee.

Compass Christian Centre, GlensheeSM Communications

Last weekend, the youth of the Scottish Mission gathered for their annual retreat in the serene surroundings of Glenshee. This inspiring weekend brought together young people from across Scotland for a time of worship, spiritual growth, and community-building. The atmosphere was alive with vibrant worship sessions, drawing many closer to God as they experienced His presence in powerful and personal ways.

The retreat’s central theme, “New Creation in Christ,” was explored through a series of impactful messages delivered by Asher McKenzie. He encouraged the youth to find their true identity in Jesus and to stand firm in their faith, no matter the challenges life may bring. McKenzie’s messages resonated deeply, empowering the youth to embrace their new life in Christ with confidence and purpose.

A unique feature of the retreat was the emphasis on accountability. Participants were encouraged to pair up with an accountability partner to support each other in achieving their spiritual goals. These partnerships are set to continue for at least a year, ensuring that the spiritual commitments made during the retreat are followed through in everyday life.

Prayer played a central role throughout the weekend, with dedicated time for youth to gather in small groups. In these intimate settings, they openly shared their struggles, prayed for one another, and engaged in meaningful conversations about trusting God and growing in faith. The beautiful Glenshee landscape provided the perfect backdrop for these moments of reflection, as many also took time to pray individually or in groups outdoors, further connecting with God in nature.

Sabbath morning brought a creative challenge for the youth. They were tasked with showcasing how they could share God’s love in 2025 through a variety of presentations. These included songs, rap, Dragon's Den skit, poems, and more. The talent and creativity on display were incredible, highlighting the potential of young people to make a real impact. These innovative ideas are set to be incorporated into the Scottish Mission’s youth plans for the coming year.

Beyond the worship and reflection, the retreat was also filled with joy and laughter. From bonfires to late-night conversations, participants bonded over shared experiences, forming lasting friendships and creating a sense of belonging.

As the retreat drew to a close, one challenge stood out, to carry the lessons and experiences forward into everyday life. The youth left with renewed passion and a deeper sense of purpose, empowered to live boldly for Christ in their communities and beyond.

Reflecting on the retreat, Scottish Mission youth leader Crystal Masih shared, “I believe that the youth in the Scottish Mission are a remarkable group of individuals who have a fantastic amount of talent and can contribute to the church and God’s Mission in a significant way.

The Scottish Mission deeply values its young people and stands behind them as they continue to grow in their faith and use their many talents to share God’s love ❤️