

Reflection Piece: From Adversity to Royal Acknowledgement

Reflection Piece: From Adversity to Royal Acknowledgement

Gordon Castle, MorayPastor Wilfred Masih

It was an immense honour and an unexpected privilege to receive an invitation to attend the prestigious Lieutenancy Reception, hosted by HM Lord Lieutenant of Moray, Seymour Munro, at the magnificent Gordon Castle on the 9th of October. As I was soon to discover, this was no ordinary event; it was a distinctive gathering of some of the most respected individuals in the region.

The Lord Lieutenant serves as the Monarch’s personal representative, and the reception, held under their authority, carries a special connection to the Royal Family, making it a distinct honour to be invited.

During a conversation with one of the many deputy Lord Lieutenants present, it was explained to me that the guest list is curated carefully, with only a select group invited. These invitations are extended to those whose work or service has been noticed, making it a deeply humbling experience to be counted among those present. The gathering included nobility, dignitaries, and influential local figures, with the occasional presence of members of the Royal Family. Being invited felt less like a personal achievement and more like a testament to the work that God has allowed me to do for His kingdom.

As I walked cautiously into the grand hall of Gordon Castle, surrounded by local government leaders and distinguished individuals from across Scotland, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. Engaging in conversations with people who had made such significant contributions to the life and culture of Scotland was both inspiring and surreal. With the students of Gordonstoun school, King Charles III’s alma mater, singing in the background, the evening was marked by moments of reflection and gratitude. Meeting individuals like the Earl of Moray, who shared his passion for contemporary Scottish art, was equally fascinating.

One of the highlights of the evening was speaking with the owners of Gordon Castle, Angus Gordon Lennox and his wife Zara, a deputy Lord Lieutenant. Their story of transforming the estate into a visitor attraction was both intriguing and inspiring, rooted in a deep love for their heritage and community.

Listening to the Lord Lieutenant’s speech was humbling. His words of gratitude for those who had made a positive impact on the community resonated deeply. He also introduced new deputy Lord Lieutenants for the region. It was a gathering of highly distinguished individuals, each deserving of the honour bestowed upon them by HM Lord Lieutenant. And yet, there I was, an invitee to this grand event as an Adventist Pastor – a recognition I could never have imagined when I first began my ministry in Scotland. I felt immensely grateful for this opportunity to share my faith, my church and something about my work as an Adventist Pastor with some of the most influential individuals in Scotland.

The experience left a profound and lasting impression on me, and as I reflect on that evening, I am reminded of God’s unwavering faithfulness through every challenge I have faced. It was a stark contrast to the early days of my ministry, which were filled with uncertainty and obstacles. When I first relocated to Scotland from Birmingham, the work ahead seemed daunting. I was faced with small, scattered groups of believers who had been without consistent pastoral care. At times, it felt overwhelming.

There were moments of isolation and resistance, but I held on tightly to my faith and the promise: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper...” (Isaiah 54:17, KJV). I was certain that if God had called me to this place, He would equip me to endure the challenges ahead. And God, in His mercy, sustained me. Slowly, hearts began to open, and unity began to take root. Individuals who had fallen by the wayside began to return, while newcomers relocating from abroad felt a sense of belonging in our congregation. Slowly, I began to see the fruits of my labour, not as a result of my own actions, but as a reflection of God's faithfulness to His promises.

This journey also opened doors to serve the broader community. Working with local leaders, especially during times of conflict, provided me with the privilege of speaking at community events dedicated to promoting peace and understanding - a cause close to my heart - especially as the ripple effects of conflict in Europe and the Middle East were felt within our own communities.

So, when I found myself at the Lieutenancy Reception, I couldn’t help but feel deeply humbled and and at the same time hugely encouraged. I reflected on how, just a couple of years earlier, it was a challenge to find my footing in a new place, feeling unsure how to move forward. And yet, here I was, honoured to be invited to this gathering alongside some of the most notable and influential individuals in Scotland. The evening was filled with moments of laughter, encouragement, and a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to serve in whatever way God intends.

This experience is one I will carry with me, not as a mark of personal achievement, but as a reminder of God’s abundant grace. I share this experience to encourage and remind you that no matter the challenges you face, no matter how impossible the path ahead may seem, hold fast to your faith and God’s promises. God is faithful, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Whether your struggle is personal, professional, or spiritual, know that He is with you. Empowered by His strength, we can accomplish far beyond our expectations, and it is through His grace that we are called to extend love and service to others.