Crieff Members Lending a Hand during Covid-19
Boxes Box 11 Box 11

1 May 2020, 15:10Angela LoganPerth

Crieff Members Lending a Hand during Covid-19

When simple needs are becoming important, some would be looking for ways to make it through. A simple sharing tool in Perth seems to make the difference for some.

As Christians, we are shown the importance of helping those in need, whether that is with our time, money or energy. The Bible is full of verses and examples of people of all ages helping others. We are actively encouraged to help those in need. You never know what your small act of kindness will mean to the person on the receiving end.

God will use the connections we make in our lives in ways we cannot imagine. That is what has happened to Crieff church members, Malcolm Logan and Robin Spearing, during this lockdown period. Malcolm’s work as a self-employed Property Maintenance Manager brings him into contact with many people. One lady, Emma Oram, for whom he has worked previously, is a Community Councillor in Perth. At the start of the COVID-19 crisis, she wanted to provide a way for local residents to help those in need.

The idea of 'Give and Take Boxes' was born but Emma struggled to find someone to make them. That’s where her contact with Malcolm bore fruit. She reached out to Malcolm who used his organisational skills and contacts to help make her dream a reality. Malcolm involved his friend and fellow church member, Robin Spearing, who is an extremely skilled joiner and builder, to get the boxes built. Robin and Malcolm constructed the boxes in Robin’s workshop and Malcolm enlisted the help of his teenage son Finlay to paint them.

Once the boxes were ready, Malcolm and Finlay travelled through to Perth and, with Emma’s guidance, they put the boxes up in designated areas in Perth. The idea of the boxes is simply for people to donate food and basic, household supplies so that anyone who is unable to visit the shops can help themselves to those donations. The boxes were immediately filled with items and at the end of the first day, their installation was trending on social media!

In total, 11 boxes have been made and installed by Robin, Malcolm and Finlay. They are being well used and appreciated by residents in Perth. In Hebrews 13:16 it says “And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased”. Bringing God’s love into your community by helping others is a powerful act. During this difficult time, we can use our God-given skills to show compassion and kindness to all those we encounter.

This little venture is also included in a BBC story, "The People's News", and Malcolm, Robin and Finlay features in there. This BBC video can be seen HERE.