

Adventurers and Pathinders Bible Experience, 11 February 2023

This regional event saw eight teams from around Scotland gather to determine who will go through to the BUC-wide round in Leeds in March

Adventurers and Pathinders Bible Experience, 11 February 2023

Dundee Seventh-day Adventist ChurchWeiers Coetser

The Dundee Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted eight teams from Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs around Scotland for the second round of the 2023 Pathfinder and Adventurers Bible Experience (PBE/ABE). Teams were tested on their knowledge of the Gospel of John. For the Pathfinders this involved a challenging quiz with 90 questions, which took place over a period of almost two hours. In the Bible Experience teams do not compete against each other, but they try their best to get the highest possible score. Rankings are then calculated based on average scores. Everybody who receive a First Place in this phase of the competition are then able to progress to the next phase. The next round, will see teams from around the British Union gather in Leeds in March 2023. There is a possibility that teams can then progress to the final round of the Bible Experience in Greece in April.

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