Glasgow Youth Strengthen Community Bonds on Global Youth Day

22 Mar 2024, 13:05Beatrice LikupeGlasgow

Glasgow Youth Strengthen Community Bonds on Global Youth Day

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4: 10-11

Recognising and treating medical emergencies, rescuing people in dangerous situations, protecting life and property in the event of fires - these are just some of the responsibilities carried out by First Responders in our society. We know that as children of God, we are called to reach out to those in the communities in which we live and meet their needs. First Responders are among those working tirelessly to serve their communities in ways that frequently save lives. At times, they do this by risking harm to themselves in order to protect others. That is why, on this Global Youth Day, the Glasgow Youth department chose to recognise the contributions of two valued First Responder groups in the city: a local Fire Department and a local Ambulance Service.

After a thoughtful devotion on the importance of Christian service and forming connections with our local community, our enthusiastic group of young people split into two and set out laden with gifts. The team that visited the Fire Service was eagerly given a tour of the station and, of course, the fire trucks! Notably, the firefighters expressed their gratitude for the visit, especially since such visits have become much rarer since the Covid-19 pandemic. They were keen to suggest another Fire Service that might also appreciate a visit from the group, opening the possibility to expand our relationships with the community.

Our second group visited an Ambulance Service. Upon arrival, we were greeted warmly, and the staff were visibly appreciative of the gifts. The effort they made to show us around the depot and explain their range of roles and responsibilities helped us to gain a greater awareness of how they serve us. Several members of the group even got hands-on training in using a defibrillator and performing CPR. One of our takeaways from the experience was that by expressing our appreciation, we could be opening doors for future relationships, allowing us to be of service to those who serve us. Discussions surrounding possible First Aid training being held for church members have made us hopeful that Global Youth Day is just the beginning, and that our youth will continue to be inspired to reach out to other groups in the area.