Men's Ministries
Our Men's Ministries Department is built on a foundational model of Pray, Reason, Educate, and Plan and strives to create a supportive environment where men can grow spiritually, build lasting relationships, and actively contribute to their congregations and communities.
Prayer serves as the cornerstone of this ministry, providing a space for men to connect with one another and offer mutual support through prayer.
Reasoning encourages thoughtful discussions that address the challenges and opportunities faced by men in today's society and their faith journeys.
Education is prioritised through targeted training sessions, equipping participants with practical skills and knowledge to lead effectively in their communities.
Finally, the planning aspect emphasises working together to implement initiatives that promote personal growth and community outreach.
If you have any questions about Men's Ministries, we’d love to hear from you.
Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Koye Edwards
Men's Ministries Sponsor