Messenger Vol 125 Issue 1

9 Jan 2020, 10:18

Messenger Vol 125 Issue 1

Dear Friend and Colleague

A very happy new year to you, and trust you’ll experience Holy Spirit presence in your daily life and work. I also hope you’ll find it rewarding, whatever the challenges may be.

Messenger is on a journey towards becoming a fully-fledged discipleship and nurture magazine. At the same time, it will continue to record the life and mission of the church in the UK and Ireland. This first edition of the year sees some significant design and content change.

In this week’s edition:

Front cover – different, but message-driven! Ian Sweeney encourages Berean behaviour (p. 2) A new series about values-led lives by Llew Edwards (p. 3) Ken Burton, 'This is work?' (p. 4) Raafat Kamal on behalf of the TED acknowledges past mistakes (p. 5) Highlights of the BUC Evangelism, Discipleship and Mission summit (p. 7) Adam Keough is sure we need more sleep (p. 12) As Justin Welby admits to popping a pill, we discover J. B. Phillips struggled . . . (p. 13) Danish author Line Nielsen invites us to ‘Pray for the Solution’ (p. 18) 'A challenging life lived with cheerfulness' (p. 19)

Best read when there’s a bit of time to spare, and with a warm cup of something nearby.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Messenger Extra Facebook page.

