Scottish Mission Children's Ministries Training Weekend
SM CM Training Dundee FEB 2022 1

1 Mar 2024, 14:20SM Communications DepartmentDundee

Scottish Mission Children's Ministries Training Weekend

On the weekend of February 24th and 25th, 2024, the Scottish Mission Children’s Ministries Training brought together local Children’s Ministries Leaders with a common goal - to strengthen the foundation of church life by nurturing the youngest members of their communities. Without a doubt, children serve as the lifeblood of any thriving congregation. They represent not only the future but also the present of the church. As expressed in the teachings of Christ, welcoming children is tantamount to welcoming the kingdom of heaven itself. " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."(Matthew 19:14)

The training weekend aimed to equip leaders with essential tools and insights to foster vibrant, inclusive, and spiritually enriching environments for children.

The agenda included diverse topics tailored to address the multifaceted dimensions of children's ministry. Sessions delved into areas such as Intergenerational Worship, Evangelism for Children, Spiritual Relationships, Mini Stewards for Jesus, Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones, and Managing Successful Children’s Ministries Projects. These discussions reflected a commitment to understanding and addressing the evolving needs of children and families within the church community.

Throughout the weekend, participants found themselves engaged in moments of profound connection and growth. Sharing experiences, praying together, bonding, and forming new friendships were just some of the highlights. The opportunity for networking provided useful insights for enhancing children’s ministries across different congregations. A particularly memorable event was the Sunday morning prayer walk. Of course, no gathering would be complete without good food to nourish both body and soul.

As the training weekend drew to a close, participants departed with renewed zeal and determination to carry forward the mission of children’s ministry in their respective congregations. By investing in the spiritual growth and well-being of children today, these leaders are sowing seeds of faith that will bear fruit for generations to come. Through dedicated efforts, they are not only ensuring the vitality of our churches but also embodying the timeless message of love and inclusion exemplified by Jesus Himself.