Scottish Mission Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders sharpen their skills at Basic Staff Training event
Pathfinder Basic Staff training

3 Feb 2023, 13:41Eleri Dutton, Crieff Church PathfindersDundee Seventh-day Adventist Church

Scottish Mission Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders sharpen their skills at Basic Staff Training event

Scottish Mission Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders invested in developing their leadership skills during a weekend training event on 28-29 January at the Dundee Seventh-day Adventist Church. A record of thirty people registered to attend from eight churches in the Scottish Mission.

As part of the Master Guide training programme, the course, known as the Basic Staff Training (BST), provides high level leadership training for Pathfinder and Adventurers (Club Ministries) staff.

The training began on Sabbath afternoon with an ice breaker that got everyone talking and mixing, setting the tone of the whole weekend.

The training sessions were very informative and prepared to be as interactive as possible with several opportunities for group discussion to stimulate thought and planning. A strong emphasis in the training was that all club activities must be Christ-centred.

Among the topics covered on the first day were:

Purpose and History of Pathfinders, Club Organisation and Programme Planning and Developmental Growth of 10–15-year-olds.

Mthoko Ndlovu worked hard throughout the weekend to provide delicious and nourishing meals.

An excellent outcome of the event was that the participants got to know each other well. This was especially helped by a second ice breaker in the evening where everybody got to learn each other’s names. The effect was that the group members gelled verry well with each other, freeing up conversation and interactions.

Some of the attendees slept in the church overnight, giving them time to relax and play games together.

Sunday morning continued with further training on:

Club Outreach, Introduction to Teaching, Ceremonies & Drill, Medical, Risk Management and Child Safety Issues.

The whole weekend was very spiritual and encouraging.

Scottish Mission Pathfinder sponsors Mthoko and Pastor NJay were thrilled with the success of the event. They have expressed appreciation to all attendees as well as pastor Paul Tompkins and Dr Bankole Davies-Browne who helped in presenting. The Dundee Adventist church were gracious hosts and thanks to them offering the venue and support, it was possible to keep costs very affordable. The attendees themselves were also very grateful for the leadership and hard work of Mthoko and Pastor Njay in making this event a reality.