Fellowship at a Recreational Level as Glasgow Church Goes to the Safari Park


Fellowship at a Recreational Level as Glasgow Church Goes to the Safari Park

This may sound like a sweeping statement, but a family that prays and plays together stays together. Glasgow church understood the assignment as the church organised a Family Fun Day on the 4th June 2023 at the Blair Drummond Safari Park.

This may sound like a sweeping statement, but a family that prays and plays together stays together. Glasgow church understood the assignment as the church organised a Family Fun Day on the 4th June 2023 at the Blair Drummond Safari Park.

The brethren met at the main entrance in the morning and drove into the park together. After the opening prayer and a quick briefing, the children were directed to the play area were the fun began! Under Pastor Claudiu Popescu's supervision, they formed two teams and as in a relay race, members of the teams took turns in the giant play fort. Between cheering, clapping, jumping, laughing…the children couldn’t content their excitement.

Many other games followed as the children moved around the park trying different things. The excitement reached its peak when everyone went to a quieter and greener place for some fun games with parents and children. Fun, laughter, and love were all they could see and feel!

Ndlovu Nomagugu, visiting Glasgow church, appreciated that the kids got to see the playful part of the adults, stressing the importance for church members to meet and play together. Praising the organisation, she said: ‘The cooking team did a great job. In South Africa, we have such events but today I found a team more organised.’

Chelsea, Kiki, and Shannon were the champions of the day as, on their own initiative, they helped a two-year-old boy who had lost his father. They excitedly reported how they found the toddler wandering, they spoke to him, alerted up to eight members of the staff and they all worked together to reunite the family. The girls refrained from having fun to actively help others; such a great example of discipleship!

It was a joy-filled and memorable day out for all. Watching the Californian Sea Lion show and coming face to face with wild animals such as lions, giraffes, penguins, elephants, hippos, zebras, gorillas, tigers, just to name a few, was an incredible experience.

The best was kept for the end; a beautiful and delicious buffet of a three course meal and a barbeque. There was plenty of good food for all. Sister Semone Pollard, one of the organisers, said: ‘The day went exceptionally well, despite a few hiccups along the way.’ She revealed that over 50 persons attended the event, ‘parents, children of all ages, visitors both Adventist and non-Adventist; playing and having fun together. It means a lot because it showed the desire for fellowship at a recreational level as well.

Many other people helped with the organisation. Amongst them, Gilbert and Francesca Vaudein, an outstanding help to the cooking team.

Sister Adina Lupu, whose favourite moment was adults and kids playing games together. ’It has been a great day filled with sunshine, laughter, interesting activities …but most importantly, an occasion to share the love of God with one another,’ she said.

It was a wonderful day and more delightful days are to come in Glasgow. The church is enthusiastically looking forward to taking part in the ASAP project. As explained by Pastor Claudiu, it is a long-term project in partnership with the Scottish Mission and ADRA-UK where each local church is encouraged to get involved in the local community with projects geared towards the improvement of the environment. Glasgow church has partnered with Glasgow City Council to clean Turriff Street on Sunday, 18th June 2023. Also, the teens will run a cooking contest, and aiming for zero food waste.

Pastor Claudiu has initiated many extra church activities in Glasgow ‘to bring brothers and sisters in Christ together in a more informal way to strengthen the bonds,’ he said.