Shetlanders, we'd love to make contact!
Shetland Peter Jeynes

24 Mar 2023, 15:57Scottish Mission Communication. Photo by Peter Jeynes.Shetland

Shetlanders, we'd love to make contact!

We’re looking to get in touch with people in Shetland. Have you ever lived in this beautiful, windswept archipelago somewhere between Scotland, Norway, and the Faroe Islands? Are you living there currently? Do you know anybody who lives there. We’d love you to make contact!

Scottish Mission pastors, in conjunction with the General Conference are planning an outreach project in Shetland for a week in May. We plan to distribute literature, hold evangelistic meetings, visit anybody who is open for a visit. We’re reaching out to anybody who may be willing to talk with us.

If you can put the outreach team in contact with someone in Shetland, or if you want to reach out to Seventh-day Adventists while the team is on the Island, please make contact today! We will be delighted to hear from you.

You can do so by filling in this simple form


send an email to Hellevi at

While on Shetland we plan to do some innovative outreach as well. A small team of intrepid voyagers will be cycling up and down the Islands, seeking to engage in conversation with anyone who would have the inclination to stop for a chat. If the opportunity presents itself, we will be sharing some evangelistic books, including the Great Controversy with people that we meet.

The Shetland outreach is part of a larger evangelistic drive that will take place across the British Union, around the theme: “Reflecting Hope.” More details are available on the Reflecting Hope Website.

Please pray for this special project that will happen in May.