State of the Union: The Series
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30 Jun 2023, 06:32Office of the President of the British Union Conference

State of the Union: The Series

The Office of the President of the British Union Conference (BUC) will launch the State of the Union (SOTU): The Series on 20 July with a hybrid town hall meeting. The SOTU is an approach to actively listen and learn in order to clarify the value proposition of the BUC, to listen to stakeholders in our territory, learn through open dialogue, act based on data-driven feedback and repeat periodically.

"Successful organisations consistently review their working practices in order to deliver excellent service, align policies and procedures with changing legislation and keep abreast with emerging technologies," said Pastor Eglan Brooks, BUC President. "We have many forums in the BUC to address how we operate as an effective church addressing our mission. However, the SOTU will also focus on the BUC's role as a charity and a corporation."

For more details about the event click here: