Adventurers and Pathfinder Investiture Sabbath celeberated in style by Scottish Mission clubs
crieff investiture

16 Dec 2022, 12:27Mthokozisi Ndlovu and Pathfinders from around Scotland

Adventurers and Pathfinder Investiture Sabbath celeberated in style by Scottish Mission clubs

Sabbath 26 November was World Pathfinder Investiture Day. This day is set aside to celebrate the commitment and work that Pathfinders and Adventurers have put into their own development and club membership over the year. Scottish Mission Pathfinders put on a proud display in congregations throughout the Scottish Mission.

As church services started, the Pathfinders and Adventurers all dressed up in their lovely uniform were ready to showcase all the hard work they had been doing the whole year. Some clubs made quite an impact as they marched into the church to the rhythmic beat of marching drums.

“We were pleasantly surprised to see how some clubs had taken up the challenge to teach themselves drumming,” says Mthokozisi Ndlovu, Pathfinder and Adventurer Co-sponsor for the Scottish Mission. “Well done to Aberdeen and Glasgow who have purchased some drums for their clubs. It was indeed a day of celebration throughout the Scottish Mission.”

While most clubs around the Mission celebrated investitures Crieff were celebrating inducting the Adventurers and Pathfinders. The induction ceremony was very special for Crieff Pathfinders and Adventurers.

Below are some photos and reports from around the Mission, sent out by Pathfinders and their club leaders.

Induction Ceremony, Crieff

Crieff Seventh Day-Adventist church had an induction ceremony on the 26th of November 2022. The ceremony was incorporated into the morning service. It was a total-member-involvement exercise, with everyone taking part. Adventurers and Pathfinders recited the Pledge and the Law. The teachers introduced the classes to the church. The service was presided over by Pastor Paul Tompkins, Elder Steve Peacock, the Club Chaplain and Agnes Mphande . There was an inspiring ceremony that encouraged Pathfinders to be proactive in their spiritual lives.

Seven new Pathfinders were inducted (two of them in absentia). The club welcomed Caleb, Amelia, Robin, Christian, Nicky, Christina and Erina into membership. A further twelve Pathfinders present renewed their vows. They have been divided into Pathfinder classes according to their age and there is at least one Pathfinder in each class, except for the Explorer class. The Adventurer club in Crieff only operates one class, the Helping-Hand class, due to the current age distribution of the Adventurer club members. They also played an active part in the service.

Aberdeen Investiture Ceremony

The Aberdeen Pathfinders Club also held its investiture ceremony on 26 November. Eighteen Adventurers and twenty-one Pathfinders were invested. The club has grown during the year. Club leader, Akunna Ugoala says, “At the beginning of 2022, thirty-one children were inducted and as the year went on our total number increased to forty one.”

The investiture ceremony started with a procession led by our newly formed Unity Band. The pastor shared a sermonette titled “If you are willing” and encouraged the entire church to make ourselves available to Jesus no matter if we feel like we are not good enough. In an address the Club Director highlighted the Club’s progress, some activities and also some challenges faced. Presentations were also made by the club members on what they learned for different awards/honours. Certificates and badges were handed out by the Pastor and Club Director and the Charge was given by Elder Manuel Vieira, a Master Guide.

The day ended with a banquet where club members were served a three course meal and some appropriate games were played, lots of pictures taken and a toast to end the year. It was indeed a blessed day!

Glasgow Pathfinders and Adventurers: Young Soldiers for God Like Gideon

Everyone went home feeling inspired and motivated after the encouraging message of Mthokozisi Ndlovu. The Scottish Mission Pathfinder and Adventurer Co-sponsor was the guest-speaker for the Pathfinder and Adventurer investiture day in Glasgow SDA church on the 26th of November 2022 with the theme “Young Soldiers for God like Gideon.”

“You are strong … and with God on our side, there is no hill we can’t climb, there are no challenges we can’t face, there is no heart we can’t touch,” said Mrs Ndlovu to the Pathfinders and Adventurers. She reminded the young soldiers of the special purpose God has for them; a mission that can only be fulfilled if they listen to God’s call and say “Lord, here I am, use me.” She challenged the whole church to support the club and fully commit to serving God as many crowns are waiting for them in Heaven.

During the morning service, the Glasgow Adventurers and Pathfinders, impeccably dressed in their colourful uniform, blessed the church with special items.

The afternoon was punctuated with a sermonette, class presentations and the investiture ceremony. The latter was supervised by Sipho and Samu Ncube, the Pathfinder club directors, along with Mthokozisi Ndlovu, Lawrence and Semone Pollard. In total, seventeen pathfinders and sixteen Adventurers were invested.

To conclude with a flourish, there was a fundraising movie night for a social event, with snacks, led by the Voyagers. The money raised is the club’s contribution to the Glasgow Church Building Fund.

Dundee Investiture Report

This investiture was special to the Dundee Pathfinders because it is the first held in church post COVID-19. There were nine Pathfinders who participated in this ceremony. Club member, Jonas Davies-Browne reports: “For me, the highlight is the opportunity that was given to all our Pathfinders to show our families and friends what we have learned in the past year.”

All the Pathfinders worked together to make the program a success. A unique first aid demonstration was done by all Pathfinders to illustrate how basic life support can save lives.

This was followed by a beautiful song by Naomi and Ropa. Pastor Njay’s inspiring sermon was the icing on the spiritual cake. He recounted a story about himself which explained how he got to know Christ. Using Gideon as an example, he challenged us to join God’s army and accept the challenge of changing the world.

(Dundee report written by Jonas Davies-Browne, Pathfinder from Dundee Church)

Photos from Edinburgh