First ever Union-wide Adventist Education Survey
Adventist Education

9 Nov 2022, 17:21Lorraine McDonald, BUC Education Director

First ever Union-wide Adventist Education Survey

Education survey on Adventist schools in the BUC

The British Union Conference Education Department is undertaking a comprehensive review of the future of all its schools and is seeking the assistance of you, the members of the British Union Conference (BUC). We want to consider the views of all stakeholders to make decisions that reflect consultation with as many people as possible.

A critical phase of this review is engaging with our constituency. Therefore, we ask every member to take a few minutes to complete a short survey, which you can access by clicking on the following link: or scan the QR code. It does not matter whether you are a current parent of school-age pupils, if there is an Adventist school near you, or if your child attends an Adventist school, mainstream school, or is home-schooled; we still solicit your views.

We seek your support and prayers as we undertake this vital task of maximising the potential of education as a discipleship tool for all children within and without the church.

Thank you most sincerely for your co-operation in this venture. Please assist us by passing the link on to as many people as possible within your sphere of influence. We will publish feedback from the survey in a special edition of the Messenger.